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Cooking With Class

By Hsiao-Ching Chou

Area programs are the ticket to expanding a home-cook's horizon
There's much that happens in a cooking class
A practical lesson is guaranteed. You can learn how to hold a knife properly and how to make the perfect pie crust or roast a chicken and decorate a wedding cake.
What may not be so obvious is that relationships begin and get nurtured in a cooking class. You have an exchange with the instructors, other students, the food, your inner self.
You may discover you have a talent for sauce-making that sparks your creative side. Perhaps you get the encouragaement you need to host your first Thanksgiving dinner. In a class of two dozen, you're bound to find someone who also uses salsa as a verb more than a condiment.
. . . Cooking class gives you a reason to come home instead of resorting to the drive-through . . .
Delectable Lessons (of those who offer cooking classes include)
Bertrand Chez Vous, 206-729-1554,, Classes focus on the art of French cooking and are taugh by Cordon Bleu-trained chef, Bertrand de Boutray.